Saturday, March 13, 2010

Me? A Blogger?

No one is more surprised than I to see that I now have a blog. For various reasons, this is a step I vowed never to take. Obviously, something changed my mind, and someday I may share with you what it was. But this much I will tell you now: it did not require much persuasion. To those who've been blogging awhile: please go easy on me. It probably doesn't look very impressive, but it's a work in progress.

My purpose is to share some lessons that life -- and the Lord -- have taught me at various stages of my life, through spiritual impressions, pondering the scriptures, studying the teachings of the prophets, and important life experiences and observations. I've chosen to share them for the benefit of my children and grand-children, other family members, and special friends. I hope you will not judge me too harshly as you read them -- especially those who know me well -- for in the things to be shared you will see that I highly value certain character attributes and behaviors that I have yet to master myself. That does not mean they aren't true principles or attributes worth developing. My only defense is that I am still "under construction."

It is not because I have a super memory that I will be able to share these things with you. They are available now because, at some point, I recognized their value and chose to write them down. After years of accumulating notes in my ever-growing files, I came across the following statement by Elder Richard G. Scott, my former mission president and currently a member of the Quorum of the Twelve:

"Powerful spiritual direction in your life can be overcome or forced into the background unless you provide a way to retain it . . . Knowledge carefully recorded is knowledge available in time of need. Spiritually sensitive information should be kept in a sacred place that communicates to the Lord how you treasure it. This practice enhances the likelihood of your receiving further light" (Ensign, Nov. 1993, 86).

I commend to you, young and old, the habit of recording the experiences that have given and will give "powerful spiritual direction in your life." I am a witness that Elder Scott's promise is true: Once you let the Lord know that you treasure and record sacred experiences, He will give you more.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you so much for sharing. I'm excited to keep reading and learning from you!!
    Love love you

